Alberti's Window is currently working with teachers and other educational specialists to develop a comprehensive collection of curricular activities for both 2D and 3D studies using Motion Visualizer. As these activities and labs are completed, they will be added to this section of the website. Please check back often for updates.
Posted below are two sets of drafts. The "student drafts" were written by our 2004 summer interns Heather Hausladen of Wellesley College, and Lick-Kong Tam of Brown University. Heather and LK, each a sophomore, worked with us under the NSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. The "teacher drafts" were written by local area Physics teacher, Michael Quinlan, of Newton North High School, Newton, Massachusetts.
All labs are in PDF format and optimized for printing on standard 8.5" x 11" paper. Click to select a lab. Depending on your computer and browser configuration the lab will either open for viewing or you will be prompted to save it locally.
Labs (Student Drafts)—posted 08.13.2004
Labs (Teacher Drafts)—posted 09.17.2004