Products Overview
Motion Visualizer products are designed for the study of 2- and 3-dimensional motion, appropriate for the subjects of physics and mathematics at both the high school and college level. Based on live video input, Motion Visualizer tracks, records, and analyzes an object's motion in 2- or 3-dimensions in real-time.
Motion Visualizer-DV and -3D capture and display, in real-time, the position, velocity, and acceleration of one or two objects. They are ideal for elementary studies such as constant and accelerated motion where the visual connection between the motion and the graph is crucial for understanding. However, for more advanced study, Motion Visualizer products provide unique capabilities. They are the only tools in physics that provide real-time quantitative data of motion in a plane or 3D space. This enables a whole range of experiments not easily performed before.
Building on the proven educational effectiveness of microcomputer-based labs (MBL), which bring together graphic representations and physical events, Motion Visualizer products incorporate real-time data capture and immediate graphical display. The ability to instantaneously display real-time data enhances student's comprehension of graphing and motion.
Now, for the first time, Motion Visualizer products allows students to experiment with everyday objects in the 3-dimensional world in which they live. Students can create spatial graphs that portray actual motion as well as time-based graphs using the variables of position, velocity, and acceleration.
Motion Visualizer products help students develop their understanding of motion, graphing, and visualization of 2- or 3-dimensions in physics, physical science, and mathematics.
Motion Visualizer products are now built on two technologies: New is the all-digital Motion Visualizer–DV for motion in a plane, in addition to Motion Visualizer–3D that uses the VP01 3D-Video Processor interface for capturing real-time 3D motion.