Vol.1 No.1
March 2003
more than three years of intensive effort, Motion Visualizer 3D is ready
to go! Here we see the team packing up the first unit, which shipped
in February 2003. Left to right is Steve Cremer, Ricardo Nemirovsky,
Nathan Kimball, David Hild, and Paul Antonucci. Marvin Grossman was
unable to attend on the big day.
The latest features of Motion Visualizer 3D
include a full-featured indexed, searchable help-system, and sample
data files. The Motion Visualizer 3D package now includes our Activities
Guide, a turning wheel for circular motion experiments, a Quick Start
Guide, and a 3D alignment tool with tripod mount.
We wish to thank Walter Lenk for building of
prototype units; Katelynn O'Brien for creation of graphics and color
schemes; Steve Santarelli for electronic circuit board layout. We thank
the following teachers for field testing and valuable feedback during
the pilot program: Apolinario Barros, Stephen Cremer, Sydney Foster,
Amy Picard, and Jesse Solomon. Additional thanks to the following people
for their many valuable suggestions and encouragement: Dr. Jean C. Bonney,
Walter Brown, Dr. Marvin Grossman, and Dr. Philip Sadler.
Also in this Issue:
Alberti's Window Attends Winter 2003 AAPT Meeting
Kimball and Steve Cremer represented Alberti's Window at this winter's
meeting of the AAPT in Austin, Texas. They showed Motion Visualizer
3D to many prominent members of the physics teaching community, including
Paul Doherty of the Exploratorium in San Francisco, and Paul G. Hewitt,
author of the book "Conceptual Physics."
Here's a picture of Nathan and Steve in the
Alberti's Window display booth.
Comments left by those requesting more information
included: "This is amazing!", "Just like magic!", and "This is certain
to help students who have difficulty conceptualizing in 3D."
Launch of our New
We recently upgraded both the look and content
of our website. For more information about Motion Visualizer 3D and
Alberti's Window, please visit the new site at www.albertiswindow.com.
Curricular Activities
We are currently developing new classroom activities
working with Amy Picard, of Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts,
who has incorporated Motion Visualizer 3D into her curriculum. Amy's
students are working on activities such as yoyos, bowling, and gymnastics.
Here is a picture of one student twirling a
yoyo, then presenting her experiment data:
Note that Amy will present a paper at the AAPT
regional meeting, in Williamstown, Massachusetts, on April 11th and
12th. She will discuss her curriculum and its use of technology and
Motion Visualizer 3D.
Throughout the development of Motion Visualizer
3D, students enthusiastically participated in the study of pendulums,
gravity, bouncing balls, circular motion, juggling, balls thrown outdoors,
and even themselves outdoors in a field. Comments from field test teachers
include: "The 3D capability of this technology returns students to the
world they know. Learning to work in a three-dimensional space is the
missing link in today's physics and mathematics education," and "I
can't stop thinking of how the students took to Motion Visualizer 3D."
We have scheduled several Motion Visualizer
3D presentations in the near future. Please feel free to call us about
attending one of these events, or to arrange for us to visit your school.
2003 Presentation Schedule:
17 |
Bedford High School, Bedford, MA
February 24
Concord Consortium, Concord, MA
March 13
TERC, Cambridge, MA
March 26
Salem State College, Salem, MA
April 10
University of Massachusetts, Lowell - Lowell Area Physics Teachers,
Lowell, MA
April 11,12
AAPT Regional Meeting, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
May 1
Massachusetts Association of Science Supervisors, Holiday Inn,
Worcester MA
May 1,2
New Jersey Virtual University, Princeton, NJ